Blogger Recognition Award

First off thank you Inside Cup for nominating me for this award. It came when I was least expecting it. I didn’t think that what I was writing was really helping people and getting this award was great encouragement.

The Blogger Recognition Award is a award by bloggers for bloggers. Meaning that the award is given by bloggers to bloggers. It is in recognition of the hard work that goes into each and every post. Not to mention the fact that the site is kept current and updated.

How I got Started

I started this blog after getting a vision from the Lord. Hi, I’m that kind of crazy Christian. I’m going to link the original post since it sums everything up nicely. I thought that my blog would be a way for readers to get to know me before I published a book. It’s come to mean more to me than that. I’ve also gotten more personal on here than I thought. Different people have told me that I should write about my life since it’s been…unique. Thank you for those who told me this through out the years. If you were just being nice to me, well, I took you literally.


1.My first piece of advice for new bloggers is more of writing advice. Write something you would read. This may sound like commonsense but I know that it helped me. Stop trying to entice readers in by writing what you think they want to hear. Believe me I know how tempting that can be. Write what will help you. Write what inspires you. Write what bothers you. Just make sure that the end product is something that if you were scrolling through you would stop and click on it.

2.Be honest. I think in today’s day and age people crave honesty. I believe people need Christ and they need hope. Honest hope, not look how great everything is for me, but let me cry on the bathroom floor with you because I understand and things can get better hope. People I have found need the truth. They need to see life as it is, not more fake imagines of what is unattainable.

Christ means more to me than when I started my blog. I have found that not everything turns out. But everywhere I go Christ, The Holy Spirit, and God The Father go with me. By opening up more I hope to be able to help people more. And you can only do that by being honest.

I Nominate You

  1. HeartsWord
  2. Lifeintheslowlane
  3. AChristianWorldviewofFiction
  4. FREE
  5. ABoldandDaringSpirit
  6. TheGodlyChicDiaries
  7. TheGriefReality
  8. SacrificeBeyondPrice
  9. EverySmallVoice
  10. Th(i)nkful
  11. RetrospectiveLily
  12. FeedingonJesus
  13. notmyownblog
  14. BeYeGlad
  15. BlueCordelia

Rules for the Nominees

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  2. Write a post to show off your award. You’ve all earned it!
  3. Give a brief story of how you started blogging.
  4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  5. Nominate 15 other bloggers that you want to receive this award. Make sure to comment on each blog to let them know they have received the award and provide a link to your post about the award.

Congratulations to all those nominated! Thank you for giving me as a reader new incites and ways of looking at the world.


  1. niacaraw says:



  2. niacaraw says:

    Thank you so much for this nomination Autumn Wood Writes.


    1. You are more than welcome! And thank you for nominating me again.


  3. Lily Pierce says:

    I like the way you distinguished real hope from everything-is-rosy hope; I feel like we embrace the whole crying-on-the-bathroom-floor thing on WordPress. Congrats on your nomination, and thanks for including me! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  4. T. R. Noble says:

    ❤ ❤ finding your blog was a blessing and I'm glad I was able to get some word out there about your blog 🙂 May God continue to bless you and may you feel His hand!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awe thanks! Your blog has been a blessing to me too sister.

      Liked by 1 person

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